HTTP status code 205 Reset Content is a response status indicating that the server successfully processed the request, and it's instructing the client to reset the document view that sent the request. This is typically used after a request to clear a form or reset a web page's state without reloading it.
This status is often seen in web applications when:
- A user submits a form, and the server wants the client to reset or clear the form fields.
- The server wants the user interface to be reset without a full page reload, which is useful for user experience consistency, especially in single-page applications (SPAs).
In practical terms, a 205 Reset Content response will include headers indicating success, and the client is expected to reset the view but not reload the page.
How Does 205 — Reset Content work
The 205 Reset Content status code works by telling the client (usually a web browser or application) that the server has successfully processed the request, and the client should now reset its current view or clear any input without refreshing the entire page. Here’s how it typically works:
Request Made by Client: The client sends a request to the server, often by submitting a form, making an update, or performing an action in an application.
Server Processes the Request: The server processes the client’s request (e.g., saving form data, updating a record). Once the server has handled the request successfully, it determines that a full page refresh is unnecessary and instead, a reset of the input fields or UI is more appropriate.
Server Responds with 205 Status Code: The server returns a response with the 205 Reset Content status code to the client. This status code doesn’t contain a response body; its purpose is solely to inform the client of the successful request and instruct it to reset the view or clear any form data.
Client Resets the Content: When the client receives the 205 Reset Content response, it interprets this as an instruction to reset the view. This might mean:
- Clearing any form fields that were just submitted.
- Resetting the state of any interactive elements (e.g., checkboxes, dropdowns) to their initial state.
- Removing any feedback messages shown after form submission, keeping the user interface clean.
Example Use Case
Imagine a user submitting a feedback form. Once the form is submitted, the server responds with a 205 Reset Content status code. The client would interpret this to clear the form fields, making the form ready for another input without refreshing the page.
This status code is beneficial for user experience as it provides smooth, uninterrupted interaction, especially useful in web applications where reloading the entire page might disrupt the flow.